
Sally Port Magazine is a clean, family friendly fantasy online magazine with occasional special print runs. Launches in October 2024 and includes original short stories, and non-fiction pieces on writing and publishing.

Our current publication schedule is quarterly (January, April, July, and October). Each issue includes fantasy short stories for midgrade, YA, and General audiences.

Advertise with Sally Port Magazine.

Website Ads

Ads will be displayed on the side of most pages. No more than 3 at any one time.

Images accepted as JPEG, PNG or WEBP.

The following prices are per month, with discounts available for purchasing advertising in 2 or more months at the same time.

Website Box Ad – $250
Size: 300 w x 250 h

Advertise with us.

Magazine Ads

Most of the in magazine ads will be in the YA and General audience sections.

The following prices are per issue, with discounts available for purchasing advertising in 2 or more issues at the same time.

Full-Page Ad – $1,000
Size: 8.25 x 10.5 in | 1200 w x 1527 h px | aspect ratio 11:14

Half-Page, horizontal Ad – $500
Size: 8.25 x 5.25 in | 1200 w x 764 h px | aspect ratio 11:7

Banner Ad – $250
Size: 8.25 x 2.75 in | 1200 w x 300 h px | aspect ratio 4:1

Advertise here.

Ad Details

Payment & Delivery of Materials

Materials (image, destination URL) and payment must be received by the 15th of the month prior to the issue/month you have selected. If payment and materials are not received, we reserve the right to assign the slot to another customer.

Please email your materials and selected issue/month information to Lisa at

An invoice will be sent. We accept payments via Stripe or PayPal.


Problems happen, and we’ll do our part to fix them. Refunds for ads will occur under two

  1. Your ad is rejected by our staff (please see the next section for examples of why we might reject
    an ad…)
  2. Your ad was scheduled for an issue/appearance that is canceled. (If your ad was part of a longer
    running ad package and scheduled for an issue/appearance that is canceled, we will discuss whether a
    refund or extension of your package is preferred/appropriate)

Grounds for Ad Rejection (Examples and Things to Avoid)

We love to advertise quality products and services. But we have our limits. Here are some things
best not submitted.

  • “Adult” products, services, and publications (If you need the explanation please see our writers’
    guidelines (I really don’t want to discuss this one again…))
  • Scams, pyramid schemes, etc. (Best practice 1: don’t be evil. Best practice 2: avoid the appearance
    of evil)
  • Racism, sexism, anti-(insert group or organization)ism, etc. (Don’t care who you are, if your ‘ad’
    is hating on someone, we don’t want it)
  • Politics (Seriously folks, this is a fantasy magazine… Somewhere one goes to get away from the
    ‘real’ world…)
  • Visual distractions: animation, blinking, etc. (This one’s mostly for the website. If you know how
    to do animation or blinking in a physical print ad, I’m impressed but we don’t need your
  • “Generative AI” used in ad creation or as a product/‘service’ (The audience hates it. The editors
    hate it. People whose work is used without permission hate it. We don’t want it here.)


All advertising submissions are subject to our final approval. The advertiser assumes all liability for their ad content and responsibility for any claims made against Sally Port Magazine and/or Forever Mountain Publishing, LLC resulting from their ad.


If you have further questions or would like to discuss advertising not mentioned above, please feel free to contact Lisa at