
Sally Port Magazine? What’s that? For that matter, what’s a Sally Port?

Last question first:

A Sally Port is a door. In the days of stone walled castles, it was a human sized door that allowed people to enter or exit without lowering a drawbridge or opening a main gate. Since then, the term’s been used for other kinds of doors as well. But, the purpose remains the same.

A Sally Port is a door, a way to get to where you want to be. It grants access to opportunities.

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Sally Port Magazine isn’t a literal door, but it grants access by creating opportunities for authors, editors, artists and reader with quarterly online issues.

We’re an independent fantasy fiction magazine, open to anyone of any age. Great stories and solid writing are what we publish. We’re offering stories for mid-grade, YA, New Adult, and general fantasy audiences and non-fiction about adventures in writing, writing how-to, and the writer/editor/publishing life.

Yep, you read that right. We’re offering fantasy fiction for pretty much everyone. That means our stories are family friendly but not just kid stuff. And, because people who read fantasy also write fantasy (or really want to…), we also offer real world information and articles about writing and storytelling. And yes, we accept reader submissions.

A sally port is a door. And Sally Port Magazine is opening the doors of imagination, and the doors of opportunity, to anyone who wants to read (or tell) a great story. It’s a place for stories you can enjoy and get lost in, somewhere readers and writers can go to get away from the day-to-day same-old-same-old and get lost in what could be and what might have been.

Sally Port stories are written for a range of ages and abilities. That means there’s something for kids, and something for adults. There are stories with grown up ideas and issues, but it won’t leave you wondering “what if the kids get ahold of this?”

This is alt-text

As you’ll see in our submission guidelines (link) we’re no respecter of persons. We use a blind submission process. That means we don’t know who the author is until we’ve accepted the story. It’s a way of making acceptance fair for everyone. It’s the story that matters, not who wrote it.

(Note: that was whoever wrote it, not “who or what ever wrote it”. While we’re fine with humans, elves, dwarves, orcs, dragons, whatever… sending in submissions, we do not accept AI generated stories, articles, or artwork. We’re in the business of supporting creators, not automated plagiarism…)

Welcome! Step through the door and see what adventures wait for you and yours,

The Sally Port Magazine team